Hanne Blank spends her time thinking, learning, and writing at the crossroads of bodies, self, and culture. Joyfully spanning the town/gown divide as well as the mind/body split, her career as a writer and independent scholar includes the histories Straight: The Surprisingly Short History of Heterosexuality (Beacon Press, 2012) and Virgin: The Untouched History (Bloomsbury, 2007). Her work has been featured in periodicals and anthologies, as well as in a number of subject encyclopedias and other reference works.
Hanne has taught in various capacities on campuses including Brandeis and Tufts Universities and has been a featured speaker on numerous other campuses including the University of Alabama, Johns Hopkins University, and Harvard University. She has served on the Advisory Committee to the Emory Office of LGBT Life and is a current Patient-Family Advocate to Emory Healthcare on LGBTQIA Health, as well as serving as an occasional visiting lecturer on LGBTQIA healthcare issues at Emory's School of Medicine. She is currently Visiting Assistant Professor of Women's and Gender Studies at Denison University.